Category : 201


VXLAN is now RFC-7348

Pretty sweet news today detailing VXLAN is now RFC-7348. IETF documents the protocol as “implemented”.

Feedback I received is the VXLAN specification was submitted through the Independent Stream Editor (ISE) process and it took a while to get to this point with version 00 submitted around 3 years ago. There were 9 updates to the specification, but no fundamental changes to the encapsulation or baseline specification.

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vSphere Virtual Machine Tag Manipulation…

A nice blog post by Alan Renouf which details VM tag manipulation via PowerCLI… The vSphere UI also provides the capability for VM Tags to be added and removed…

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NSX vSphere Distributed Firewall and the 80/20 Rule…

A little clarification about the NSX vSphere Distributed Firewall together with 3rd party partner integration… First, NSX as an ecosystem platform and provides extensibility to allow 3rd party partners to interoperate between NSX and their respective technology solutions….

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Encapsulation for the Virtual (and Physical) World… Geneve!

A great article written by Bruce Davie from the VMware Office of the CTO details the proposed IETF encapsulation standard Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation, better known as Geneve and why it is needed…

Optimized for x86 to x86 tunneling providing all the best features of STT combined with all the best features of VXLAN…

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OSPF Area Conversion

vSphere NSX supports OSPF as well as BGP and Static routing. When configuring OSPF, you will need to specify the OSPF area number in decimal format. When working with OSPF routing configurations that use dotted decimal format, the following formula will convert dotted decimal to decimal. Likely your favorite subnet calculator also supports OSPF area number conversions! The formula you can paste into a cell is: =(((C5*256)+D5)*256+E5)*256+F5

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