Hands On Labs Updated with 2014 Content
Appears 2014 Hands On Labs content is now online! Enjoy đ
Appears 2014 Hands On Labs content is now online! Enjoy đ
The top 10 sessions from VMWorld are available online…
My favorites…
The VMware NSX Introduction HOL-SDC-1403 was the most popular lab at VMWorld 2014! Once VMWorld Barcelona wraps up, this and other VMWorld 2014 Labs will be available for you to take. In the meantime, the 2013 labs are available today at http://labs.hol.vmware.com/HOL/catalogs/
I’m pretty excited about this… NSX 6.1 Announcement
New features include:
For me personally, the ECMP support stands out as awesome! Enjoy!!
Just received this list of Hytrust sessions at VMWorld… Hytrust solutions are designed to provide granular security access and controls including NSX…
Check out http://www.hytrust.com
HyTrust VMWorld Breakout Session links: