Tag Archives: nsx-v


Making room for NSX… Deleting ESXi VIB’s

VIB’s are kernel modules which make up the various capabilities of the VMware vSphere ESXi hypervisor together with hardware device drivers. When building vSphere ESXi Servers, hardware vendors can assist by providing ISO images which include hardware monitoring VIB’s together with common storage and network driver VIB’s for their servers.

There is a limit to the size of the vSphere ESXi boot image location (bootbank) of around 250MB and unfortunately, some hardware vendor ISO images are filled with so many device drivers, there is no room for additional drivers. This can cause NSX host preparations to fail…

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NSX-V SpoofGuard via API

SpoofGuard is a feature of NSX that provides administrative control of IP and Mac address assignment for VM’s. The two benefits of Spoofguard are to (1) control virtual machine access to virtual network switches, and (2) protect against unauthorized IP address and MAC address changes by virtual machine OS administrators and users.

Like other capabilities of NSX, SpoofGuard administrative control can be accessed via the NSX API…

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vSphere 6.0 and NSX 6.1

vSphere 6.0 has been GA’ed for a few months and I have been seeing more customers performing vSphere 6.0 validation in preparation for upgrades to their existing environments or net new deployments. To support vSphere 6.0 GA, NSX was updated with provide vSphere 6.0 compatibility and today (July 22nd), NSX 6.1.4 is the current and latest version of NSX for vSphere 5.5 and 6.0 environments.

vSphere 6.0 includes major management architecture changes and this blog article clarifies what is supported today and what will be supported in the up and coming version of NSX 6.2…

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NSX and Virtual Machine Sprawl

During a recent customer discussion on NSX, I was asked about Virtual Machine sprawl in an NSX environment. This was a great question and cuts to the heart of Network Virtualization and how network functions are implemented in a virtualized environment…

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